Sunday, February 4, 2007

This will make you smile! : )

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My my how the world is expanding. Videos are not just on TV or in the theater anymore, they can be found on the Internet. I personally had no idea all of the stuff the Internet dad to offer. In my search for a video I realized how vast the selection is. There is everything from political puns to video game movies. The clip that I chose is relatively simple but brought a smile to my face. The main focus of this video is the baby in the high chair. While this video clip doesn't contain much more than the child in it's chair and a parent in the background making noises, it sends out a message. It brings you back to all of those fond childhood memories that you have. The child's hysterical laughter fave me a warm feeling that I used to get when I was a child or during a course of good old genuine laughter. It makes me wish that I could get so much pleasure and enjoyment out of the simple things in life. I realize that noises like those may not be pleasurable to an adult, but if you stop and think about what the world has come to, you will understand. The people of the world today have become so engulfed in the riches and the materialistic principles that the simple aspects of life are over looked and considered dull.

The "warm fuzzies" that this clip delivers to it's readers are important. It makes it's readers take a stop back and realize how good genuine laughter makes ones soul feel complete. Laughter is a healthy human process. According to laughter helps reduce stress and tension, reduces your blood pressure, and many other beneficial things. If something as simple as a daily dose of laughter can boost health you would think that people would laugh all of the time. Shoot, many people would save a lot of money on prescriptions,counseling, and chiropractors or massage therapists. Like stated before the clip was simple but after viewing it you have to admit that you do feel better. Maybe the old saying " an apple a day keeps the doctor away" should be changed to "a good laugh a day keeps the doctor away".


Anonymous said...

You are so right! There wouldn't be so many ill people if they would let go and just laugh. I know laughing makes me feel good even when I'm in a horrible mood. I think every morning we should wake up, take a deep breath and just laugh. Even if you have nothing to laugh at. Make it a fake laugh for all I care. My hypothesis is that the earlier we laugh the better day we will have. There is no reason for anybody to be so up-tight and angry all the time. We as a population need to slow down, laugh and be happy!

Michelle Brake said...

I was sitting in the library while watching the baby video, and I could barely suppress my laughter. I'm a person that loves to laugh so I had to just chuckle to myself and hope no one was watching me. As you said, this is a very simple clip, yet very engaging. Laughing is a universal action that anyone can relate to and should do MORE of! I think God gave us laughter as a healing factor that helps us get over the hard times in life. Besides a couple of minor typos, your essay was interesting, flowed well and gave a good link that tied in with the clip very well. You did make me smile!