Sunday, January 28, 2007

How important are the 5 W's?

When searching the Internet there are millions of sites to choose from. Some are specialized and will only appeal to a certain group of people with specific needs. Others are more generalized and will appeal to a broader more generalized population of Internet users. I believe that to be a site that is more generalized.

First of all, the generalization of this site makes it appealing to almost anyone that can use the Internet. However, it is probably a bit more appealing to subscribers of Comcast vs. non-subscribers. With so many options, it may contain the answer, but if not found at this particular site it can possibly be a good beginning to their search. If someone in particular was looking to research, this may not be the site. Typically, research sites tend to be a little more specialized. Secondly, this sire contains a vast amount of general information. It contains news information from what is going on in politics to Hollywood. Also, it contains magazine type information ranging from fashion to how couples meet/ The user may choose to look up information on cars, finances, entertainment such as movies, TV, or music, kids games or even travel. Thirdly, this site is considered a current sire. Meaning the information found here will have to do with current events, current styles, or "what's hot" if you will. Historic information or past fads will not be available here. The only older information that may be found here includes old statements if you are a Comcast subscriber and old pictures or videos if you have them saved. Next, the information here is most directly related to the United States. It contains war information and other current international events. However, the other information that this site contains is probably not a relevant to someone is China as it is to someone in the United States. Finally, the main purpose of this site is to inform. In the particular case it is acting like a web-based newspaper or possibly a tabloid.

However, because this site is considered to be generalized there is room for confusion. Because most of the information is most relevant in the United States does not mean that it will not pertain to someone in China. But if they misconstrue the articles or content this may make way for a possible misconception. As with all sites location, religion, language and many other factors can play a role into the interpretation of what you read of hear.

In conclusion, no matter where you are we all have access to the same information on the world wide web. So take in to account the who, what, when, where and whys of a site before the true meaning of the site gets misinterpreted.

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